Riding Schools, Livery Stables & Equestrian Centres Hitchin

Ickleford Equestrian Centre

Lower Lower Green
SG53TW Hitchin
01462 459081


Ickleford Equestrian Centre can be found at Lower Lower Green . The following is offered: Riding Schools, Livery Stables & Equestrian Centres - In Hitchin there are 3 other Riding Schools, Livery Stables & Equestrian Centres. An overview can be found here.


1 Reviews, in average 2 Stars

Anon wrote on 08-10-2013


Found Ickleford was really lacking in client care. They seemed stand-offish at times and valued those paying a lot more than those paying for normal services, many times being rude or inconsiderate towards many clients. There was also very little opportunity for people only paying for lessons to progress further with their riding, as real jumping and cross-country classes were only held as clinics or on the summer camp, which is more money to pay, which many didn't have. It was uncomfortable to be there, which hence led to leaving, which is not acceptable, Quality of the lessons were acceptable, hence the rating.


Riding Schools, Livery Stables & Equestrian Centres
01462459081 01462-459081 +441462459081

Map Lower Lower Green